Algorithms II, Princeton University, P6
Algorithms I & II, Princeton 系列笔记的 P6 部分。字符串算法博大精深,远非一篇笔记就能囊括。上一篇笔记主要关注字符串排序问题,而本篇将着重介绍以字符串为键值的 symbol tables 与 substring search 问题。
- Tries: traditional R-way tries & ternary search tries.
- Substring Search: Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp.
- Pattern Matching: Regular expressions (regex).
- Data Compression: Huffman & LZW compression. (trie plays an important role!)
This article is a self-administered course note.
It will NOT cover any exam or assignment related content.
用红黑树或 linear-probing hashing 实现的 string symbol tables 已经拥有较为优秀的效率;但一个更为 ingenious 的,string-specialized 的数据结构是 tries (字典树)。
R-way Tries
Tries 的名字来源于 retrieval,但读作 try。相当简单优雅的数据结构,就不详细介绍了。
- Search hit. Need to examine all \(L\) characters for equality.
- Search miss. (typical case) examine only a few characters (sublinear).
- Space. \(R\) null links at each leaf.
trie 的删除操作也十分简单:
- Find the node corresponding to key and set value to null.
- If node has null value and all null links, remove that node (and recur).
1 | // This is a Trie Symbol Table, which associate a value with each string key. |
Ternary Search Tries
又是 Sedgewick 教授发明的算法之一 (Bentley & Sedgewick),ORZ。
- Store characters and values in nodes (not keys).
- Each node has 3 children: smaller (left), equal (middle), larger (right).
- Search or Insert.
- If less, take left link; If greater, take right link.
- If equal, take the middle link and move to the next key character.
TSTs 改善了传统 R-way tries 耗费空间过多的缺点 (从 \((R+1)N\) 优化至 \(4N\)),同时仍然维持了 tries 优秀的时间效率 (从 \(L\) 到可以接受的 \(L+\ln{N}\))。
TSTs 还存在许多 variants:balanced TSTs via rotations (can achieve worst-case \(L+\log{N}\) guarantees) 与 TSTs with \(R^2\) branching (对特定的输入进一步提升时空效率)。
总而言之,TST 是这样的一种数据结构,它:
- Faster than hashing (especially for search misses).
- More space-efficient than R-way tries.
- More flexible than red-black BSTs.
1 | public class TST<Value> { |
Character-Based Operations
以 string 作为键值的 string symbol table implemented with tries 不仅仅支持以 string 为基本单位的操作,更支持基于字符的操作 (character-based operations)。
- Ordered iteration (引入了利用 trie 进行 string sorting 的新思路).
- Do inorder traversal of trie; add keys encountered to a queue.
- Maintain a sequence of characters on path from root to node.
- Prefix matches. Find all keys in a symbol table starting with a given prefix.
- Longest prefix. Find longest key in symbol table that is a prefix of query string.
- T9 texting.
- Multi-tap input. 不断按某键直到切换到想要的字母。
- T9 text input. Find all words that correspond to given sequence of numbers.
- Patricia trie (crit-bit tree, radix tree). 将 trie 上的 internal one-way branching (象征着多个字符串的共同前缀) 压缩成一个节点,提升了 trie 的空间利用率。
- Suffix tree. Patricia trie of suffixes of a string; can be constructed in linear time.
最后,我们再来对 string symbol table 的不同实现进行一个全面的比较与总结:
Implementation | Performance Guarantee | Features |
Red-black BST. | \(\log{N}\) key (string) compares. | Supports ordered symbol table API. |
Hash tables. | constant number of probes. | Requires good hash function for key type. |
R-way tries or TSTs. | \(\log{N}\) characters accessed. | Supports character-based operations. |
Substring Search
Substring search 也是一个相当 fundamental 的字符串问题。用一句话就可以概括:
Brute-force substring search. Check for pattern starting at each text position.
1 | public static int search(String pat, String txt) { |
暴力做法的最坏时间复杂度是 \(\sim MN\) 的。另外,由于每次失配时 text pointer 将会回滚 (backup),使得该做法无法适应文本的流式输入 (text string);我们需要更加优秀的 substring search 算法。

很早以前就学过并被惊艳过的 KMP 算法;今天以另外的角度来学习这个算法,倍感新鲜。
首先来介绍一下 DFA (deterministic finite state automaton, 有限状态自动机)。
- Finate number of states (including start and halt).
- Exactly one transition for each char in alphabet.
- Accept if sequence of transitions leads to halt state.

上图是 pattern ABABAC
构建的 KMP
自动机;其接受且仅接受以该 pattern 为后缀的字符串。将给出的 text stream
输入该 DFA,若在某个时刻能够到达 halting state,说明匹配成功。
这是因为 text stream 在该时刻形成的前缀被 KMP 自动机接受了;根据 KMP
自动机的性质,这一前缀一定存在某个 ABABAC
substring search 问题转化为了基于 pattern 的 KMP 自动机构建问题。
KMP 自动机的 internal representation 是一个二维数组
: dfa[c][j]
存储了状态 \(j\) 在读取字符 \(c\) 后转移到的状态 \(k\)。
Match transition.
- Descriptive. If first \(j\) characters of pattern have already been matched and next char also matches, then first \(j+1\) characters of pattern will be matched.
- Operative. If in state \(j\) and next char \(c = \mathtt{pat}[j]\), go to state \(j+1\).
Mismatch transition. (!) If in state \(j\) and next char \(c \neq \mathtt{pat}[j]\), then the last \(j-1\) characters of input are \(\mathtt{pat}[1...j-1]\), followed by \(c\).
根据 KMP 自动机的定义,在字符 c
被读入后,我们将转移到一个状态 \(k\),在该状态中 \(\mathtt{pat}[0...j-1]+c\) 的某个长度为
\(k\) 的后缀将与 \(\mathtt{pat}[0...k-1]\) (pattern 长度为
\(k\) 的前缀) 匹配。
在第一种情况 (match transition) 下,显然 \(k = j+1\)。想要找到失配情况下的 \(k\) 则比较 tricky。
我们不妨这样解读 KMP 自动机:对于输入的字符串 \(s\) 与某个 pattern,KMP 自动机将会把 \(s\) 的所有后缀与 pattern 进行匹配,并且返回匹配长度最长的后缀,该后缀的长度为 \(k\)。
能够证明的是,字符串 \(s_1=\mathtt{pat}[0...j-1]+c\) 与 \(s_2=\mathtt{pat}[1...j-1]+c\) 输入 KMP 自动机后得到的结果后缀是相同的。\(s_1\) 除了比 \(s_2\) 多出了一个后缀以外完全相同,而这个多出来的后缀 \(\mathtt{pat}[0...j-1]+c\) 不可能是 KMP 自动机返回的结果:这正是由失配 (mismatch transition) 的条件决定的。
To compute dfa[c][j]
: Simulate \(\mathtt{pat}[1...j-1]\) on DFA and take
trancision \(c\).
- plain simulation: takes linear time.
- maintain \(\mathtt{pat}[1...j-1]\) as restart state \(X\): takes only constant time.

1 | public KMP(String pat) { |
从有限状态自动机的角度来理解 KMP 对我来说确实是一个全新的视角:但是构造 KMP 自动机的时空代价是 \(\sim RM\),这比我之前学习的构造 fail 指针 (标记最长公共前后缀) 的 KMP 算法多了一个小常数 \(R\)。
Boyer-Moore 是一种启发式的字符串匹配算法,其包含两种规则:坏字符启发 (bad character heuristic) 与好后缀启发 (good suffix heuristic). BM 算法的 intuition 在于:
- Scan characters in pattern from right to left.
- Can skip as many as \(M\) text chars when finding one not in the pattern.
问题在于 how much to skip。
我们定义 \(i\) 为定位指针,它所指向的 text 中的字符总是与 pattern 的首字符对齐;定义 \(c\) 为当前的失配字符 (mismatch character)。具体的例子见 slides 53-SubstringSearch。
- Case 1 - \(c\) not in pattern. increment \(i\) one character beyond the mismatch character.
- Case 2 - \(c\) in pattern.
- Case 2a - align the text \(c\) with rightmost pattern \(c\).
- Case 2b (heuristic no help since backup will happen) - increment \(i\) by 1.
虽然 BM 算法的平均时间复杂度十分优秀,但其最坏时间复杂度仍然是 \(\sim MN\)。但通过向其中添加 KMP-like rule 形成的 BM variant 可以保证最坏 \(\sim 3N\) 的时间复杂度。
1 | public int BMsearch(String text) { |
Rabin-Karp Fingerprint Search
在 Brute-force 的基础上,RK 算法使用 modular hash 进行快速的字符串比较从而大大改善了时间复杂度。
- Compute a hash of pattern characters \(0\) to \(M-1\).
- For each \(i\), compuate a hash \(x_i\) of text characters \(i\) to \(M+i-1\). (Horner's method)
- If pattern hash = text string hash, check for a match.
- We can update hash function in constant time: \(x_{i+1}=(x_i-t_iR^{M-1})R+t_{i+M}\).
Rabin-Karp 算法有两种实现的方式:
- Monte Carlo version - return match if hash match: linear-time guarantee but not always return the correct answer.
- Las Vegas version - always returns correct answer: worst-case running time is \(MN\) (backup).
1 | public class RabinKarp { |
Regular Expression
正则表达式是解决 pattern matching 问题的有力武器。与 substring search 问题不同,pattern matching 问题要求在文本中找到所有匹配给定 pattern 的字符串集合,而不是某个单独的精确匹配的子串。
正则表达式的基本 operations 有四种,按优先级从大到小分别是 :
- parentheses. ex.
- closure. ex.
- concatenation. ex.
- or. ex.
此外还有几个约定俗成的 additional operations,比如:
- wildcard. ex.
- character class. ex.
- at least \(1\). ex.
- exactly \(k\). ex.
教授在这一节的末尾对正则表达式做了一个很精准的总结:"REs are amazingly powerful and expressive, but using them in applications can be amazingly complex and error-prone."
Nondeterministic Finite-State Automata
在介绍 KMP 算法时,我们引入了 DFA (deterministic finite-state automata, 确定性有限状态自动机) 的概念并以此为基础构造了 KMP 自动机。类似的,对于 RE 我们也能构建对应的 DFA。根据 Kleene's theorem 有:
- For any DFA, there exists a RE that describes the same set of strings.
- For any RE, there exists a DFA that recognizes the same set of strings.
因此,我们能够提出用 RE 实现 pattern matching 的 basic plan:
- Build DFA from RE.
- Simulate DFA with text as input. Pattern matched if it reaches the halting state.
然而,理想很美好,现实很残酷,basic plan 实际上是 infeasible
的。这是因为我们构建的 DFA may have exponential number of states.
例如给出的 pattern 为 a.......
,每多一个 wildcard,DFA
的状态数就将增加 \(R\) 倍;有 \(n\) 个 wildcard 的 RE 所构建的 DFA
将具有至少 \(R^n\) 个状态。
为了解决这个问题,NFA (nondeterministic finite-state automata,非确定性有限状态自动机) 横空出世。不得不说这真的是一个非常天才的想法。我们构造 Regular-expression-matching NFA 如下:
- We assume RE enclosed in parentheses.
- One state pre RE character (start = 0, accept = M).
- Red \(\varepsilon\)-transition only changes state, but do not scan text.
- Black match transition changes state and scan to next text char.
- Accept if any sequence of transitions ends in accept state.

可以看到,NFA 中的状态数只与 RE 的长度有关;并且它巧妙地将 transitions 分为两种,红色的 \(\varepsilon\) 转移与黑色的 match 转移。其中,利用 \(\varepsilon\) 转移可以在不读入字符的前提下转移到新的状态。
这一设计虽然天才,但是也同时带来了不确定性 (nondeterminism)。与 DFA 中 sequence 作为一个确定的 “解” 不同,NFA 中的 sequence 更像是:
- One view: machine can guess the proper sequence of state transitions.
- Another view: sequence is a proof that machine accepts the text.

可以看到,NFA 中存在若干个 applicable transitions,因此 NFA simulation 远比 DFA simulation 更加 tricky: we need to systematically consider all possible transition sequences.
NFA Simulation
在理解了 NFA 的原理之后,其 simulation 也变得十分简单。我们利用类似多源 BFS 的思路模拟每一步能够到达的状态的集合 (“一步”代表读入一个 text character)。具体实现上,我们:
- State names. Integers from \(0\) to \(M\) (number of symbols in RE).
- Match-transitions. Keep regular expression in array
. - \(\varepsilon\)-transitions. Store in a diagraph \(G\).
- Simulation. Maintain set of all possible (reachable) states that NFA could be in after reading in the first \(i\) text characters. 其中 reachable states 用 DFS 即可找到。

1 | public class NFA { |
NFA Construction
NFA construction 本质上是图的构建,而图的形式是由 RE 对各种 operations 的定义决定的。这里将着重介绍 RE 中四种基本 operations 的连边方式。(slide 54RegularExpressions.pdf 上有对应的实例图,很清晰)
- Concatenation. Add match-transition edge from state corresponding to characters to next state.
- Parentheses. Add a \(\varepsilon\)-transition edge from parentheses to next state.
- Closure. Add three \(\varepsilon\)-transition edges for each
operator.- character/closure expression to
. *
to characte/closure expression.*
to next state.
- character/closure expression to
- Or. Add two \(\varepsilon\)-transition edges for each
可以发现 or 操作一定是与 parentheses 伴生的,且只有在右括号的位置确定后才能确定如何连边,因此用栈来维护是一个很自然的想法。
对于长度为 \(M\) 的RE 中的每个字符,我们最多执行三次连边操作与两次栈操作,可以视为 constant-time。
1 | private Digraph buildEpsilonTransitionDigraph() { |
Regex Miscellaneous
Generalized RE Print
Generalized/Global regular expression print (grep, 全局正则表达式打印) 我们应该再熟悉不过了。在学习了 RE NFA 的 simulation 与 construction 之后,我们也能自己实现 grep。
1 | public class GREP { |
grep 的最坏时间复杂度与 substring search 问题的 brute-force 算法相同,均是 \(\sim MN\);但 pattern matching 问题确实要比 substring search 更加 fundamental。
Not-So-Regular Expressions
正则表达式能描述特定的字符串集合 (pattern),那么是否所有的 pattern 都能被正则表达式表示呢?答案是否定的。举几个非正则 (non-regular) pattern 的例子:
- String of the form \(ww\) for some
string \(w\):
. - Unary strings with a composite number of 1s:
... - Bitstrings with an equal number of 0s and 1s:
. - Palindromes.
还有一个许多编程语言中支持的 RE additional operation,
back-references: \1
notation matches subexpression
that was matched earlier. 但实际上,这一 feature 将会令 pattern matching
问题变得 intractable。
Abstract Machines
Abstract machines, languages, and nondeterminism.
- Basis of the theory of computation.
- Basis of programming languages.
实际上我们熟悉的 compiler 本质上与 DFA,NFA 这些 abstract machines 没有区别:它们都将某种“程序” (program) 翻译成另一种“机器码” (machine code),再由 executor (即 simulator) 进行执行。
- KMP: string => DFA => DFA simulator.
: RE =? NFA => NFA simulator.javac
: Java language => Java byte code => JVM.
Data Compression
我一直很好奇数据压缩的原理:我们常用的 zip
- Message. Binary data \(B\) we want to compress.
- Compress. Generate a "compressed" representation \(C(B)\).
- Expand. Reconstructs original bitstream \(B\).
- Compression ratio. Bits in \(C(B)\) / bits in \(B\).
一般来说,被压缩的数据都是 Standard ASCII characters: 每个 ASCII 字符
) 都占 8 bits。
用反证法简单证明:如果 universal data compression 算法存在,那么对于某个 bitstream \(B\),我们不断对其应用该算法,理论上可以将空间压缩至 0;这显然是不合理的。
Run-Length Coding
Run-length coding 是一个简单的数据压缩算法:对于 long runs of repeated bits,我们用 4-bits counts to represent alternating runs of 0s and 1s。
(40 bits) =>
15 0s, then 7 1s, then 7 0s, then 11 1s =>
(16 bits)。这 16 bits,每 4 bits 分别是
15, 7, 7 与 11 的二进制表示。
在实际应用中,我们一般用一个 8-bits string 来记录 run-length。也就是说,若某个连续的 \(0/1\) 段的长度超过 \(2^8-1=255\) 时,我们需要 intersperse runs of length 0。(例如,当一个长度超过 255 的 \(0\) 段出现时,我们将其分为两个长度小于 255 的 \(0\) 段并用一个形式化的长为 0 的 \(1\) 段隔开)
1 | public class RunLength { |
Huffman Compression
我们常常能发现,一些 encoding 方式会导致
ambiguity:比如这一段摩斯电码 ***---***
SOS,V7,IAMIE 与 EEWNI。在实际应用中,摩斯电码在每个 codewords
但对于 data compression 我们需要采取另外的方式来避免 ambiguity: we need to ensure no code word is a prefix of another.
- Ex 1. Fixed-length code.
- Ex 2. Append special stop char to each codeword.
- Ex 3. General prefix-free code.
很巧妙的是,prefix-free code 可以用一颗 binary trie 来表示!
- Char in leaves.
- Codeword is path from root to leaf.
1 | private static class Node implements Comparable<Node> { |
这样,对于一个给定的用 binary trie 表示的 prefix-free coding scheme 与一段待压缩的 message,我们能够轻易的进行 compression (从 leaf 开始向上) 与 expansion (从 root 开始向下)。以 expansion 为例:
1 | public void expand() { |
现在,问题来到如何构建一颗 optimal prefix-free binary trie。Huffman tree 是一个绝佳的选择:
- Count frequency
for each chari
in input. - Start with one node corresponding to each char
(with weightfreq[i]
). - Repeat until a single binary trie formed:
- select two tries with min weight
- merge into single trie with weight
freq[i] + freq[j]
- select two tries with min weight
Huffman tree 贪心的对当前权值最小的两颗 trie 进行二叉合并,可以证明这样做能够使得权值越大的叶子节点离根节点的距离越远。也就是说,出现频率越高的字符,其编码 (codeword) 的长度越短。
1 | private static Node buildTrie(int[] freq) { |
LZW Compression
与 static model (ex. ASCII, Morse code) 与 dynamic model (ex. Huffman code) 不同,LZW code 是一种 adaptive model: it progressively learn and update model as you read text.
LZW 算法维护一个 symbol table,其中记录着一系列 string-code 的映射。与 Huffman code 逐字符编码的方式不同,LZW 算法能够为特定的字符串进行编码。
与 Huffman code 相同的是,LZW 中的 symbol table 也用 trie 进行实现 (但并非 binary trie);并且该 trie 需要支持 longest prefix match 操作。这是因为 LZW compression 的步骤如下:
- Create ST associating \(W\)-bit codewords with string keys.
- Initialize ST with codewords for single-char keys.
- (longest prefix match) Find longest string \(s\) in ST that is a prefix of unscanned part of input.
- Write the \(W\)-bit codeword associated with \(s\).
- Add \(s+c\) to ST as an update, where \(c\) is the next char in the input.
1 | public static void compress() { |
LZW expansion 需要在 decode 的同时 reconstruct the symbol table. 其步骤如下:
- Create ST associating string values with \(W\)-bit keys.
- Initialize ST to contain single-char values.
- Read a \(W\)-bit key.
- Find associated string value in ST and write it out.
- Update ST.
注意,LZW expansion 存在一种 tricky case 需要 handle: 尝试 expand 以下例子,可以发现有时我们会遇到 symbol table 中当前未记录的编码。(具体的处理方式 not cover in this class)

LZW 与 Huffman compression 都是一种 loseless compression (我们熟悉的 JPEG, MP3 compression 均不属于此类,它们是 lossy compression),并且都被 Shannon entropy 理论所限制。它们最大的区别在于:
- LZW: represent variable-length symbols with fixed-length codes.
- Huffman: represent fixed-length symbols with variable-length codes.
This article is a self-administered course note.
References in the article are from corresponding course materials if not specified.
Course info:
Algorithms, Part 2, Princeton University. Lecturer: Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne.
Course textbook:
Algorithms (4th edition), Sedgewick, R. & Wayne, K., (2011), Addison-Wesley Professional, view