Algorithms II, Princeton University, P7

That's all, folks: just keep searching!

[2023.9.2 - 23:19] 最感动的一集。风雨阵阵敲打着窗户,俏皮欢快的 Find the Longest Path 从电脑中传出,紧随其后的是 Sedgewick 教授潇洒的挥手告别。我无比庆幸这个世界是 \(P\neq NP\) 的,若非如此,找到人生的 longest path 将不费吹灰之力;那该是一个多么无聊的世界!

Algorithms I & II, Princeton 系列笔记的 P7 部分。终于来到最后一节了!这一节从俯瞰 (bird's-eye view) 的角度对 computational theory 做了一个理论上的总结,让我们得以一瞥算法领域的“上层建筑”。

  • The idea of reductions (归约).
  • Linear programming problem (线性规划问题).
  • Intractability (可解性/难解性),包括著名的 \(P\neq NP\) 猜想。

在课程的尾声再提一下:本课程所有 10 个 projects 的代码实现存放在 ThisisXXZ/Algorithms-Princeton - GitHub 中,仅供参考。

  This article is a self-administered course note.

  It will NOT cover any exam or assignment related content.


Reduction (归约) 的概念在学习加密学时已经有了较为深入的接触;在这节课中再见面令我十分惊喜。这更证明了 reduction 这一概念的普适性与强大。

Def. Problem \(X\) reduces to problem \(Y\) if you can use an algorithm that solves \(Y\) to help solve \(X\).

我们定义 cost of solving \(X\) = total cost of solving \(Y\) + cost of reduction.

  • total cost of solving \(Y\): perhaps many calls to \(Y\) on problems of different sizes.
  • cost of reduction: preprocessing and postprocessing.

举例来说,假设问题 \(X\) 为 finding the median,问题 \(Y\) 为 sorting,那么解决问题 \(X\) 的代价为 \(N\log N\) (cost of sorting) \(+1\) (cost of reduction).

最常见的一种 reduction 关系是 linear-time reduction,它几乎涵盖了目前我们接触过的所有 reduction。

Def. Problem \(X\) linear-time reduces to problem \(Y\) if \(X\) can be solved with:

  • Linear number of standard computational steps.
  • Constant number of calls to \(Y\).

Lower Bound Determination

linear-time reduction 关系能够帮助我们找出某些算法的 lower bounds;通常情况下这些算法的 lower bounds 难以进行证明。例如, How to convince yourself no linear-time convex hull algorithm exists?

  • [hard way] Long futile search for a linear-time algorithm.
  • [easy way] Linear-time reduction from sorting.

凸包问题能够线性归约到 sorting 问题,而我们知道任何 compare-based sorting algorithm 都需要至少 \(\sim N\log{N}\) 次比较;由此能够断言凸包问题的 lower bound 同样为 \(\Omega(N\log{N})\)

Classifying Problems

根据问题的计算复杂度对其进行归类是 linear-time reduction 思想的另一个重要应用。具有相同计算复杂度 (computational complexity) 的问题集合属于同一个 complexity class。举例来说:

  • integer multiplication 与 integer division, integer square, and integer square root 问题属于同一个 complexity class,因为它们具有相同的复杂度 (order of growth: \(M(N)\) ).
  • matrix multiplication 与 matrix inversion, matrix determinant, system of linear equations, LU decomposition, and least squares 问题属于同一个 complexity class,因为它们具有相同的复杂度 (order of growth: \(MM(N)\) )

那么我们如何使用 linear-time reduction 来证明问题 \(X\)\(Y\) 具有相同的复杂度呢?(Desiderata)

  • First show that problem \(X\) linear-time reduces to \(Y\).
  • Second, show that \(Y\) linear-time reduces to \(X\).
  • Conclude that \(X\) and \(Y\) share the same complexity even if we don't know what it is.

Linear Programming

线性规划问题在高中数学中就已经接触过,确实是一个具有极大应用价值的问题。在介绍 LP 问题的解法之前,我们先引入一个可供把玩的例子:brewer's problem.

  • 仓库中有 480 单位的玉米,160 单位的啤酒花 (hops) 与 1190 单位的麦芽 (malt)。
  • 酿造一桶爱尔啤酒 (ale) 需要 3 单位玉米,4 单位啤酒花与 35 单位麦芽。
  • 酿造一同啤酒 (beer) 需要 15 单位玉米,4 单位啤酒花与 20 单位麦芽。
  • 一桶爱尔啤酒的利润为 \$13;一桶啤酒的利润为 \$23。

试问如何最大化酿酒厂的利润?根据高中数学的思路,我们设酿酒厂决定酿造 \(x\) 桶爱尔啤酒,\(y\) 桶啤酒。我们要求 objective function (目标函数) \(13x+23y\) 的值最大。并遵循以下 constraints:

  • corn: \(5A+15B\leq 480\).
  • hops: \(4A+4B\leq 160\).
  • malt: \(35A+20B\leq 1190\).
  • variable constraints: \(A,B\geq 0\).

在以 ale 与 beer 为轴的二维平面中,每个 constraint (inequalities) 划分出一个 halfplane,这些 halfplanes 的交集是一个 convex polygon (凸多边形),我们称其为 feasible region。使得 objective function 最大的点一定位于 feasible region 的某个 extreme point (极点) 上。

Optimal solution occurs at an extreme point.

Greedy property. Extreme point optimal iff no better adjacent extreme point.

Linear program 的 standard form (though no widely agreed) 如下:

  • Maximize linear objective function of \(n\) nonnegative variables, subject to \(m\) linear equations.
  • Input. real numbers \(a_{ij}, c_j, b_i\).
  • Output. real numbers \(x_j\).
note that every constraint is in equality form

可以发现之前我们对 brewer's problem 的描述是不标准的;所有的 constraints 都是不等式而非等式,因此无法构造对应的矩阵。如何用 standard form 来描述 LP 问题,[stay tuned]。

Simplex Algorithm

如果我在高中,解决 LP 问题的方法就是构造出 feasible region 并尝试所有的 extreme points 并取最大值作为 objective function 的答案。

然而,如果采用这个朴素的做法,对应的程序将十分复杂;我们将需要分别求出凸多边形与其所有的极点。Simplex algorithm 则从线性代数的角度对该问题进行了进一步抽象,大大简化了程序实现。

首先,我们通过向 inequality constraints 中加入 slack variable 的形式把一般描述的 LP 转化为 standard form。以 brewer's problem 为例:

  • Add variable \(Z\) and equation corresponding to objective function.
  • Add slack variable to convert each inequality to equality.
  • Now a 6-dimensional problem (\(A,B,S_C,S_H,S_M,Z\)).
add variable Z and slack variable S_C, S_H, S_M

将 LP 问题写成标准形式,再提取变量和系数,所形成的矩阵称为 simplex tableaux (单纯形表)。如何理解单纯形表与 slack variables \(S_C,S_H,S_M\) 的含义?我们还是结合图像来说明。

每个极点对应一组 basis (基向量)

二维 feasible region 的每个极点都受到两个 constraints 的束缚:\(S_C,S_H,S_M\) 这三个 slack variables 就是 constraints 的一种具象表现。例,当 \(S_H=S_M=0\) 时 (受 hops 与 malt 束缚),对应的极点为 \((26,14)\)

Simplex algorithm 利用了这一性质,结合线性代数对每个极值点进行遍历。其基本思想是:

  • Start at some extreme point (usually origin).
  • Pivot from one extreme point to an adjacent one (never decreasing objective function).
  • Repeat until optimal.

首先,根据线性代数中的相关知识,我们知道 A basis is a subset of \(m\) of the \(n\) variables. 通过在单纯形表中选择特定的 basis 可以得到其对应的 Basic feasible solution (BFS).

  • Set \(n-m\) nonbasic variables to \(0\), solve for remaining \(m\) variables.
  • Solve \(m\) equations in \(m\) unknowns.
  • If unique and feasible (lies in feasible region) \(\to\) BFS.
  • BFS \(\iff\) extreme point.

既然在单纯形表中选择 basis 能够计算出 BFS,而 BFS 又对应极点,那么遍历每一个极点就相当于不断地在单纯形表中选择不同的 basis。在线性代数中,这种操作称为基变换。在建立单纯形表之后,持续对其进行基变换,就能实现遍历所有极点的效果。下面我们来具体走几个流程:

初始化:Initial basic feasible solution - 从原点 \((0,0)\) 开始遍历。

  • Start with slack variables \(\{S_C, S_H,S_M\}\) as the basis.
  • Set non-basic variables \(A\) and \(B\) to \(0\).
  • 3 equations in 3 unknowns yields \(S_C=480,S_H=160,S_M=1190\).

接下来我们开始遍历相邻的极点:具体的操作是选择一个变量作为 pivot,在进行对应的矩阵变换 (消去其他方程,包括 objective function 中的该变量) 后将该变量替换 basis 中原有的某个变量。如何选择作为 pivot 的变量?在这个例子中,下一个作为 pivot 的变量是 \(B\)

B in column 2 row 2
  • Why pivot on column 2 (corresponding to variable \(B\))?
    • [Bland's rule] Its objective function coefficient is positive. (因此能给 \(Z\) 带来正收益: each unit increase \(B\) from \(0\) increases objective value by \(\$23\).
    • Therefore pivoting on column 1 (corresponding to \(A\)) also OK.
  • Why pivot on row 2?
    • Preserves feasibility by ensuring RHS \(\geq 0\).
    • [Minimum ratio rule] \(\min \{ \underline{480/15},160/4,1190/20\}\). 我们选取 ratio 最小的行作为基准进行消元。如果选择 row 3 或者 4,得到的解将是 basic infeasible solution (见上图)。

当 objective function 中所有变量对应的系数 (coefficient) 均小于 \(0\) 时,我们停止 pivoting (也因此停止了对极点的遍历)。能够证明此时的 basis feasible solution 是全局最优解。同样的例子,此时我们有:

simplex algorithm stops
  • In particular, \(Z=800-S_C-2S_H\).
  • Thus, optimal objective value \(Z^*\leq 800\) since \(S_C,S_H\geq 0\).
  • Current BFS has value 800 (since \(S_C=S_H=0\)) \(\to\) optimal.

Remarkable property. In typical practical applications, simplex algorithm terminates after at most \(2(m+n)\) pivots.

一个 best practice 建议: Do NOT implement simplex algorithm yourself!

LP Reductions

LP 问题的应用范围远比想象中大;我们目前接触过的很多问题都能抽象为 LP 问题的形式。将某个问题抽象 (或者说,归约到) 为 LP 问题模型的标准步骤如下:

  • Identify variables.
  • Define constraints (inequality and equations).
  • Define objective function.
  • Convert to standard form.

将问题转化为 LP standard form 这一步有许多小 tricks,我们之前看到的通过 slack variables 将 inequality 转化为 equations 是其中的一个。

  • Minimization problem. Replace \(\min (13A+15B)\) with \(\max-13A-15B\).
  • \(\geq\) constraints. Replace \(4A+4B\geq 160\) with \(4A+4B-S_H=160, S_H\geq 0\).
  • Unrestricted variables (未规定 \(B\geq 0\)). Replace \(B\) with \(B=B_0-B_1, B_0\geq 0, B_1\geq 0\).

再探最大流问题:实际上,maxflow problem can be modeled as a linear program.

  • Variables. \(x_{vw}=\) flow on edge \(v\to w\).
  • Constraints. Capacity and flow conservation.
  • Objective function. Net flow into \(t\).
a little bit detour but works well

这给我们解决问题提供了一个新的 insight: 对于任意的 optimization problem 例如最大流,二分图最大匹配,最短路问题,最小生成树问题等等,我们有两种解决问题的思路:

  • Approach 1: Use a specialized algorithm to solve it. Fast but vast literature on algorithms.
  • Approach 2: Use linear programming.
    • Many programs are easily modeled as LPs.
    • Commercial solvers can solve those LPs.
    • Might be slower than specialized solution (but we might not care).

Turing Machines

之前我们已经接触过一个简单的计算模型 (A simple model of computation): DFAs. 但 DFAs 难以执行除 pattern matching 外的计算任务。我们不禁要问:Is there a more powerful model of computation?

答案是肯定的:大名鼎鼎的 Turing machines 是一种 simple and universal model of computation. 构成其的基本单元仅仅是一个无限长的纸带 (tape) 与读写头 (tape head)。


  • Store input, output, and intermediate results.
  • One arbitrarily long strip, divide into cells.
  • Finite alphabet of symbols.

Tape head.

  • Points to one cell of tape.
  • Reads a symbol from active cell.
  • Writes a symbol to active cell (according to the table).
  • Moves one cell at a time.

[1936] Church-Turing thesis. Turing machines can compute any function that can be computed by a physically harnessable process of the natural world.

注意,我们在这里采用的名词是 thesis (论题),而不是严谨的 mathematical theorem (定理)。这是因为 Church-Turing thesis is a statement about the physical world and not subject to proof.

虽然难以被 (数学意义上的) 证明,论题是可以被证伪 (falsified) 的。然而自从 Church-Turing thesis 被提出以来还没有任何 counterexamples 被发现。

并且许多已被发现的 models of computation turned out to be equivalent,这可以作为 Turing machines universal 性质的佐证。(注:We use simulation to prove models equivalent)

Church-Turing thesis 有什么意义呢?它揭示了图灵机已经是一个通用的计算模型,因此我们:

  • No need to seek more powerful machines or languages.
  • Enables rigorous study of computation (in this universe).


Church-Turing thesis 解决了我们对是否存在 general-purpose computer 的疑问;在此基础之上,计算机科学家们开始探寻 the limits on the power of digital computers.


  • Measure running time as a function of input size \(N\).
  • Useful in practice ("efficient") = polynomial time (\(aN^b\)) for all inputs.

In practice,只有常数 \(a,b\) 都比较小的 poly-time 算法 (如 \(3N^2\)) 才能应用到规模较大的问题上。常见的非 poly-time running time 有:

  • Factorial running time: \(N!=N(N-1)..\times2\times1\).
  • Exponential growth: \(ab^N\). Exponential growth dwarfs technological change.

Bird's-eye view. A problem is intractable if it can't be solved in polynomial time.

我们的 desiderata: Prove that a problem is intractable;然而这样的证明通常十分困难:very few successes have been made. 现有的 two problems that probably require exponential time.

  • Given a constant-size problem, does it halt in at most \(K\) (input size = \(c+\lg{K}\)) steps?
  • Given \(N\)-by-\(N\) checkers board position, can the first player force (forced capture rule) a win?

Search Problems

LSOLVE (Linear Solve), LP (Linear Programming), ILP (Integer Linear Programming), SAT (Boolean Satisfiability Problem) 常常被称为四大基本问题 (four fundamental problems),这是因为许多计算问题都能归约到这四个问题上。因此,研究这四个问题有助于我们证明某个其他问题的 intractability 性质。

  • LSOLVE. Given a system of linear equations, find a solution.
  • LP. Given a system of linear inequalities, find a solution.
  • ILP. Given a system of linear inequalities, find a 0-1 solution.
  • SAT. Given a system of boolean equations, find a binary solution.

其中 LSOLVE (Gaussian elimination \(\sim N^3\)) 与 LP (Ellipsoid algorithm) 均存在 poly-time algorithms,而对于 ILP 与 SAT,No poly-time algorithm known or believed to exist. 因此我们可以 (暂时) 认为 ILP 与 SAT 问题是 intractable 的。

这四大基本问题均属于 search problem:该类问题的重要特征之一是我们能很容易地判断某个解的正确性。以四大问题的某个解 \(S\) 为例,我们只需要 plug in values and verify each equation。

Search problem. Given an instance \(I\) of a problem, find a solution \(S\).

Requirement. Must be able to efficiently verify that \(S\) is a solution.

关于 search problem 的定义,可以看看这个帖子下的讨论。说到底这个定义并不是非常严谨,但大多数情况下我们都可以通过 common sense 来进行判断。

我们如何利用这四大基本问题来证明其他问题的 intractability?答案是通过 reduction。在目前的计算理论体系中,SAT 问题可以说是许多 intractable 问题的源头 [stay tuned for NP-completeness]。

目前来讲,对于 SAT 的一个 general instance with \(n\) variables,除了使用 \(\sim 2^n\) 的 exhaustive search 算法之外没有其他效率更高的算法。No poly-time algorithm for SAT (即,SAT is intractable) 已经成为了一个得到共识的 conjecture。

基于这个 conjecture,我们可以得出这样一个结论:If SAT poly-time reduces to \(Y\), then we conclude that \(Y\) is (probably) intractable. (注意,这里是 poly-time reduction 而非 linear-time reduction)

Problem \(X\) poly-time reduces [Cook reduction] to problem \(Y\) if \(X\) can be solved with:

  • Polynomial number of standard computational steps.
  • Polynomial number of calls to \(Y\).
Karp's problems: more poly-time reductions from SAT

P v.s. NP

  • NP is the class of all search problems.
  • P is the class of search problems solvable in poly-time.

从实践意义的角度来定义,P 与 NP 分别是:

  • NP. What scientists and engineers aspire to compute feasibly.
  • P. What scientists and engineers do compute feasibly.

从定义上来看,P 是 NP 的一个子集;四大问题显然均属于 NP,但只有 LSOLVE 与 LP 问题属于 P。NP 的 N 来自于 Nondeterministic: 之前我们在介绍 NFA 的时候已经简单了解过。Turing machine 同样也分为:

  • Determinisitc: state, input determines next state.
  • Nondeterministic: more than one possible next state.

对于 nondeterministic machine, it can guess the desire solution. 据此我们引入 P 与 NP 的另一个定义:

  • P. Search problems both solvable and verifiable on a deterministic TM.
  • NP. Search problems solvable in poly-time on a nondeterministic TM and verifiable in poly-time on a deterministic TM.

非确定性图灵机 (nondeterministic TM, NTM) 是一个理论模型,在 natural world 中 (至少到目前为止) 是无法实现的。我们可以将其理解为一种算法:It at every step tries all possible steps and chooses the best possible next step, therefore guessing the desired solution.

NTM 这一概念存在的意义就是判断某个问题 \(X\) 是否属于 NP 问题:若我们能设计出一个能在 poly-time 内解决 \(X\) 的 NTM,那么 \(X\) 就属于 NP 问题。本质上来讲,verifying a solution in polynomial time with a TM is equivalent to solving in polynomial time with NTM. 这个帖子中的讨论值得参考。

Extended Church-Turing thesis. P = search problems solvable in poly-time in the natural world.

  • Supporting evidence. True for all physical computers.
  • Implication. Suffices to focus on improving implementation of existing designs to make future computers more efficient.

Extended Church-Turing thesis 使我们的目光投向 existing designs,从而引出了计算机理论科学中最出名,最基本,最引人浮想联翩且至今仍悬而未决的问题 (the central question):Does P = NP ?

  • If P \(=\) NP... Polynomial-time algorithms for SAT, ILP, TSP, FACTOR, RSA, Diffie-Hellman... Most existing rules will collapse.
  • If P \(\neq\) NP... Would learn something fundamental about our universe.
  • Overwhelming consensus: P \(\neq\) NP.

为什么人们普遍相信 P \(\neq\) NP? 因为对于人类而言,验证一个某个问题解的正确性通常比解决某个问题简单许多。欣赏一首乐曲比创造一首乐曲更容易;验证一个定律比提出一个定律更容易,使用一个装置比发明一个装置更容易……如果 P \(=\) NP,人类在经验主义下得到的这些结论将会被彻底的颠覆。

反證法。設 P = NP。令 y 為一個 P = NP 的證明。證明y可以用一個合格的電腦科學家在多項式時間內驗證,我們認定這樣的科學家的存在性為真,但因為 P = NP,該證明y可在多項式時間內由這樣的科學家發現,但是這樣的發現還沒有發生(雖然這樣的科學家試圖發現這樣的一個證明),我們得到矛盾。


Def. An NP problem is NP-complete if every problem in NP poly-time reduce to it.

Proposition. [Cook 1971, Levin 1973] SAT is NP-complete.

Extremely brief proof sketch.

  • Convert non-deterministic TM notation to SAT notation.
  • If you can solve SAT, you can solve any problem in NP.

这是一个非常重要的发现:SAT 从此成为了 NP 问题的核心,弱点;攻破了它就相当于解决了 P \(=\) NP 问题。

  • SAT captures difficulty of whole class NP.
  • Poly-time algorithm for SAT iff P \(=\) NP.
  • No poly-time algorithm for some NP problem \(\to\) none for SAT.
Cook-Levin's problems: more poly-time reductions to SAT

在 intractability 一节中,我们介绍由 Karp 发现的一系列问题 (Karp's problems),它们均能够 reduce from SAT (箭头由 SAT 出发);而 Cook-Levin 所发现的 SAT 的 NP-completeness 性质则告诉我们所有的 NP 问题均能 reduce to SAT (箭头指向 SAT)。

结合 Karp 与 Cook-Levin 的理论,我们可以得到另一个重要的发现:所有的 Karp's problems 均能与 SAT 互相 poly-time reduce,因此它们是等价的;这意味着 Every Karp's problem is NP-complete. 或者这么说:We can replace SAT with any of Karp's problems.


我们再次对已经 cover 的概念进行总结:

  • P. Class of search problems solvable in poly-time (on deterministic TM).
  • NP. Class of all search problems, some of which seem wickedly hard.
  • NP-complete. Hardest problems in NP.
  • Intractable. Problems with no poly-time algorithm.

Coping with Intractability

如何解决 intractability?一个具有 intractability 性质的问题一定没有应用价值吗?

Exploiting intractability.

  • 事实上,现代加密学的可靠性几乎全部建立在某些问题的 intractability 上 [具体请食用 COMP3357 的 hard problems 一节],包括 FACTOR, RSA, DLOG 与 Diffie-Hellman 等等。
  • [Shor 1994] 量子计算机能够在 \(n^3\) 步内 factor an \(n\)-bit integer - 我们还能相信 extended Church-Turing thesis 吗?

Coping with intractability.

  • Solve arbitrary instances of the program: special cases may be tractable.
  • Solve the problem to optimality: 采取近似 non-determinism 的方法;develop a heuristic/approximation algorithm, and hope it produces a good solution.
  • Solve the problem in poly-time in pratical case.


  This article is a self-administered course note.

  References in the article are from corresponding course materials if not specified.

Course info:

Algorithms, Part 2, Princeton University. Lecturer: Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne.

Course textbook:

Algorithms (4th edition), Sedgewick, R. & Wayne, K., (2011), Addison-Wesley Professional, view

