HKU 2023 Practice Contest D Bricks and Bags
题目来自 Codeforces Round #831 (Div.1 + Div.2) T3。link
This article provides a feasible solution to a certain competitive programming problem. If you have better solutions, feel free to share with me!
Problem Description
\(n\) bricks numbered from \(1\) to \(n\). Brick \(i\) has a weight of \(a_i\).
A has \(3\) bags numbered from \(1\) to \(3\). For each brick, A must put it into one of the bags. After this, each bag must contain at least one brick.
B will take exactly one brick from each bag, \(w_j\) is the weight of brick B takes from bag \(j\). The score is calculated as \(|w_1-w_2|+|w_2-w_3|\).
B will take the bricks in such a way that minimises the score. What is the maximum possible final score if A distributes the bricks optimally?
对所有砖块按照权值从小到大排序:此时 \(a_1\) 为最小值,\(a_n\) 为最大值。
- \(B_1=\{a_2,...a_{n-1}\}, B_2={a_1}, B_3={a_n}\) 或
- \(B_1=\{a_2,...a_{n-1}\}, B_2={a_n}, B_3={a_1}\)
那么最后的答案为 \((a_n-a_1)+\max(a_2-a_1, a_n-a_{n-1})\)。满心欢喜的交上去,结果 WA 了。
下面是一个 counter case:\(\{1, 2, 99, 100\}\)。按照上述贪心算法得到的分数是 \(100\)。然而,如果这样进行分配我们能够得到 \(195\) 的高额分数:\(\{99\}, \{1, 2\}, \{100\}\)。观察这两种分法:
- \(\{99,2\}, \{1\}, \{100\}=100\).
- \(\{99\}, \{2, 1\}, \{100\}=195\).
可以发现,在第一种分法中,\(2\) 的存在使得明显更有价值的 \(99\) 无法被利用。这启发我们我们不断尝试将 \(B_1\) 中的数挪到 \(B_2\),如果这样做产生的收益大于付出的代价,我们更新对应的分数。
举例来说:将 \(2\) 挪到中间,我们获得的收益是 \(99-2=97\)。付出的代价是 \(2\times (2-1)=2\);收益大于代价,我们更新答案为 \(100+97-2=195\)。
最大值放在 \(B_2\) 中时的情况类似;唯一的区别是我们从后往前枚举断点。
Code Implementation
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