(这本书的封面损毁得相当严重,还带有斑驳的血迹;但内页却奇迹般地完好。作者的名字似乎被人刻意划去了,难以辨认。扉页上清秀端正的字迹写着:“学好费伦话,走遍星界都不怕。——\(\scr{To \ \ Lae'zel}\)”)
Selûne (塞伦涅). Lady of Silver, Moonmaiden.
Shar (莎尔). Lady of Loss, Mistress of the Night, the Nightsinger (夜咏者).
- Dark Justiciars (暗夜法官). the Chosen of Shar.
Lathander (洛山达). The Morninglord (晨曦之主).
Mystra (密斯特拉). The Mother of all Magic.
Silvanus (西凡那斯). Oak Father. God of Wild Nature.
- Druids (德鲁伊)
the Dead Three (死亡三神). Tyrant, Murderer and Necromancer (暴君,谋杀犯与死灵法师).
- Bane (班恩). The God of Tyranny, Strife and Hatred. (暴政,纷争与仇恨之神)
- Bhaal (巴尔). The God of Murder. Bhaalspawn (巴尔之子)
- Myrkul (米尔寇). the God of Death. The Lord of Bones.
Tyr (提尔). The God of Justice. Blind Overlord.
Helm (海姆). The God of Guardians and Protectors (保卫者之神).
Ilmater (伊尔梅特). The God of Endurance, Martyrdom, and Suffering (坚忍,殉道与折磨之神). The Crying God.
Jergal (耶格). The Lord of the End of Everything (终焉之主), The Final Scribe (终焉抄录者).
Tiamat (提亚马特). Queen of Evil Dragons. The Goddess of Greed.
Umberlee (乌布丽). The Bitch Queen. The Queen of Depths. Evil Sea Goddess.
The Harpers (竖琴手联盟). Those Who Harp.
The Guild (公会). Current learder - "Nine Fingers".
Iron Hand Gnome Clan (铁手侏儒部落).
The Flaming Fist (焰拳佣兵团). 下城区警察机构兼博德之门武装力量。
The Watch (守卫者). 上城区警察。the Steel Watcher (钢铁卫士)。
Parliament of Peers (贵族议会). 博德之门最高权力机构,负责理事会选举,为大公提供官方建议。
Council of Four (四人理事会). 博德之门统治阶级核心,由贵族议会选出,理事会的私人成员被称为大公爵 (Grand Duke)。四人理事会也是领主联盟的重要组分。
Lord's Alliance (领主联盟). 也被称为 Council of Lords,由 Waterdeep (深水城),Silverymoon (银月城),博德之门,Neverwinter (无冬城) 与其他自由城邦的领导集团组成。
Zhentarim (散塔林会).
The Society of Brilliance (光耀会).
Emerald Grove (翠绿林地).
The Underdark (幽暗地域).
Reithwin Tollhouse (雷斯文税站).
- tithe. 什一税,教区税
Blighted Village (染疫村落).
Thorm Mausoleum (索姆家族陵墓).
High Forest (至高森林).
Nine Hells of Baator (巴托九狱).
- Avernus (阿弗纳斯), Styx (冥河) - where Mizora comes from
High Hall (至高之殿). 上城区核心
Sorcerer Sundries (巫术杂货铺).
Shrine of Suffering (苦难神殿). 信奉伊尔梅特,常救济难民
Blushing Mermaid (脸红的美人鱼酒馆).
Elfsong Tavern (精灵之歌酒馆).
Basilisk Gate (石化蜥蜴之门).
Wyrm's Crossing (飞龙关).
Elf (精灵).
- Wood Elf.
- High Elf.
- Drow (卓尔).
Gnome (侏儒).
Dwarf (矮人).
- Duergar (灰矮人).
Halfling (半身人).
Tiefling (提夫林).
Aasimar (阿斯莫).
Gith (吉斯人).
- Githyanki (吉斯洋基人).
- Githzerai (吉斯泽莱人).
Hag (鬼婆).
Owlbear (枭熊).
Orges (巨魔).
Gobling (地精/哥布林).
Illithid (夺心魔/灵吸怪). Mind flayer, ghahk
Myconids (蕈人). Myconid Circle.
Harpy (鹰身女妖/鸟妖).
Yuan-Ti (蛇人).
Ghoul (食尸鬼).
Gnoll (豺狼人).
Doppelganger (变形怪).
Djinni (气巨灵).
Vampire (吸血鬼).
- Vampire Spawn (吸血鬼衍体).
Fiend (邪魔).
- Devil (魔鬼),倾向于签订契约并腐化灵魂,有森严的政治制度,最高等级者为 Archdevel (大魔鬼)。
- Demon (恶魔),倾向于组织恶魔军团并进行纯粹的暴力活动。等级较低。
Succubus/Incubus (女/男魅魔).
Cambion (坎比翁). Half-Fiend - 魔类与人类所生的直系后代。
heresy. (持/信奉)异端/异教观点。
vigilant. 警觉的
creed. 信条,教义
meticulous. 严谨的,审慎的
adamant. 固执的,坚定的。名词 adamantine 意为精金 (精金熔炉 Adamantine Forge)
illuminating. 光亮的,启发的
kindred. 相似的,相关的。e.g. kindred heart, kindred soul
fortitude. 勇气,坚毅
perpetrator. 行凶者,作恶者
infiltrate. 渗透,潜入 (地方,机构或系统)
putrid. 腐烂的
Elixir. 灵丹妙药
eloquent. 雄辩的,有说服力的
Apostles. 神使,使徒
thrall. 束缚,奴役
celestial. 天空的,天上的
stir. 搅拌,混合,搬弄是非,挑拨,打搅 (影心:我没所谓,if you don't mind others stirring.jpg)
deserter. 逃兵
affliction. 痛苦,折磨
usurp. 篡位,僭越
usher. 引领,引往
provoke. 挑衅,激起 (负面反应)
melancholy. 忧郁,忧伤 (adj. & n.)
menace. 威胁 (的事物),讨厌的人 (尤指小鬼)
lodge. v. (使) 固定,卡住/存放,保管。n. 小屋,分会/分社
discretion. 慎重,谨慎,守口如瓶
abomination. 令人憎恶的东西
fare. 做,遭遇。How are you faring? 是比较正式的 How are you doing?,对方通常正经历困难/重大的事情。
hubris. 骄傲自大
valour. 英勇
keepsake. (不太昂贵的) 小纪念品。Helsin 的小鸭子。
deity. 神。the Deity 特指上帝。
wisdom v.s. intelligence. 这两个词是 DND 里两种重要的属性 WIS 与 INT,有着很微妙的不同。
- intelligence - 智力。侧重于逻辑思考与实际的知识,因此是扎在书里的法师 (wizard) 的关键施法属性。
- wisdom - 感知。这个就比较玄奥,是比 intelligence 更高一层的智慧。它更侧重于直觉与洞察力,因此是牧师 (cleric) 与武僧 (monk) 的关键属性。
- 其他的四种属性是 strength (力量),dexterity (敏捷),constitution (体质) 与 charisma (魅力)。
Vicious Mockery (恶毒嘲笑).
Action Surge (动作如潮).
Divine Smite (至圣斩).
Otto's Irresistible Dance (奥图迷舞).
Hold Human/Monster (人类/怪物定身术).
Guidance (神导术).
Divine Intervention (神圣干预).
Counterspell (法术反制).
Ice Storm (冰风暴).
Bless (祝福术).
Chain Lightning (闪电链).
Misty Step (迷踪步).
Guiding Bolt (曳光弹).
著名吟游诗人瓦罗 (Volo) 参与了本节的编纂,他曾经跟随塔夫 (Tav) 等人参与对至上真神的讨伐,并作为随队医师进行了一次传奇般的眼部手术,救英雄于水火之中!能得到他的第一手资料实属本书及其读者之幸。
Lae'zel - Githyanki Warrior.
- Heart of Faerûn.
- Liberator of Orpheus.
Shadowheart - Daughter of Darkness.
- Mother Superior of the Cloister of Sombre Embrace.
- Retired Adventurer.
- Moon-Blessed Adventurer.
Gale - The Wizard of Waterdeep.
- The God of Ambition.
- The Final Sacrifice.
- Professor Dekarios.
Astarion - The Pale Elf.
- Night Crawed Fugitive.
- Daywalker Lord.
- Illuminating Hope.
Wyll - The Blade of Frontiers.
- Grand Duke of Buldar's Gate.
- The Blade of Avernus.
Karlach - Our Fiery Friend.
- A Blazing End.
- Reluctant Avernus Scourge.
Helsin - The Archdruid.
- The Governer of Reviving Lands.
Jaheira - High Harper.
- Anonymous Adventurer.
Minsc (and Boo).
- The Friend of the Guild. The Foe of the Guild.
- The Best Boy in the Realms.